TAUC Hero – January 2022

Dan Russell, January 2022 TAUC Hero, was recognized by the leadership team for his continual positivity combined with his determined “can-do” attitude. Dan has been a super-achiever, racking up a long list of achievements including EMT, Lab Tech, TLA, Inventory Liaison, Team Leader, and Two-Month Training Team. In addition to his accomplishments, Dan’s genuine nature […]
TAUC Hero – December 2021

Our December 2021 TAUC Hero, Jacob Wilson, was chosen by the team with nominations that included complimentary words like amazing, humble, and “dream team leader”. If you have ever worked a shift with Jacob, you know it is going to be a good one. Patients and coworkers alike praise our December Hero for bringing “the […]
TAUC Weekly Heroes

Our team of healthcare heroes is ready to go above and beyond to make sure you receive excellent service. Thank you to Annie Cribbin, NP, Josh Hayden, Mya Harris, Luke Johnson, and Arth Lusk for their tremendous care. Our patients are so lucky to have team members like you!
TAUC Weekly Heroes

At Total Access, our patients are the number one priority. From start to finish, our team works together to provide thorough and compassionate care. Shoutout to Adam Dylewski, PA, Michael Pennington, Michael Thompson, and Paul Liebscher for making TAUC a “go-to” healthcare facility.
July 2021 TAUC Hero

Congratulations to our July TAUC Hero, Andrew Richardson! Andrew’s determination and positivity make him a capable leader and supportive coworker. Whether meeting our Hero for the first time or working a busy shift with him, you will immediately notice his calm, collected demeanor and his commitment to the team. Since starting at TAUC, Andrew has […]
TAUC Weekly Heroes

We know that when you need to visit Total Access, you most likely aren’t feeling your best. Luckily, our stellar teammates are always there to lend a helping hand. Thank you to Malynda Lane, NP, Liz Albertson, Amanda Cain, Ethan Karas, Stefi Newton, and Hailey Creech for their remarkable care! “Nobody wants to deal with […]
June TAUC Hero

Congratulations, Kyle Wilp, June TAUC Hero! Kyle, EMT, joined TAUC during the 2020 Flu Season. In a true display of TAUC values, he has shown his dedication to patient care by becoming a phenomenal tech, encouraging trainer, and an undeniable leader. Kyle leads our teams in a calm, cool, and consistent manner that keeps his […]
May 2021 TAUC Hero – Wes Keller

Congratulations, Wes Keller, for being nominated the May 2021 TAUC Hero. Anyone who works a shift with Wes recognizes his commitment to patients and his passion for mentoring our newest team members. Whether completing a task list, a chart, an IV, or making sure patients are heard and cared for, Wes finds a way to […]
March 2021 TAUC Hero – Esther Okedina

Esther’s commitment to the teams, patients, and future generations of TAUC Heroes has made her the standout choice for March 2021 TAUC Hero. Esther mastered the role of Physician Facilitator, conquered the G4 (Two-Month Training Team), earned the TAUC Points Triple Crown (July-Dec ’20), and has brought a smile to every team member’s face when […]
February 2021 TAUC Hero – Makayla Tyler

Congratulations, Makayla Tyler, for being nominated February 2021 TAUC Hero. At TAUC, our patients can feel confident that they will be greeted with welcoming warmth, especially if Makayla Tyler is there to greet them. Makayla embodies a special combination of positivity and commitment that makes her a great trainer and a consistent source of TAUC […]